Thursday, September 27, 2018

Sydni Stearns- Emily Abay Post 5

1. Which of the artist's many technical choices are of interest to you and why?

I really enjoy Emily Abay's fashion photography and I am drawn especially to her black and white images. When viewing her photos, I realized that my favorites were the ones in which the model is wearing black or white clothing. I think that the photographer does a wonderful job at capturing the beauty of the various pieces of clothing. The clothes, in my opinion, are already stunning on their own, so the photographer has to make a choice of what to incorporate in the image to compliment the clothing without overpowering the clothes which are the center of focus. I think she did a wonderful job at this because when scrolling to each image, I found my eyes gravitating to the clothes above any other aspect. When photographing black and white clothing, I think the black and white filter gives her photos such a nice touch and really emphasizes the aspects of the clothes such as the ruffles, the lace, and other sheer materials. The model is also not posing in a way that would take away from the clothing which was a good choice.

2. What do you believe are the artist's conceptual and/or thematic intentions?

I think that the artist's intentions are to make a photo that compliments the clothing she is photographing. These photos I have chosen are apart of her fashion photography that she does, so of course the objective is to make the clothing look appealing. She does not choose to have any intense makeup or hairstyle done to the artist. She seems to choose a "natural" hair and makeup type look. This helps put the emphasis on the clothing. I believe that each model's pose is thought out by the photographer so that the pose will also not overpower the clothing, it will emphasize it. She chooses to put a fair amount of her photos in black and white and I believe this is to make black and white clothing stand out more in a photograph.

3. How do you personally respond to these choices and intents?

Personally, I respond positively to these choices and intents. I think that her intentions create a beautiful, appealing photograph that compliment the clothing very well. I love her choice to put black and white colored clothing in black and white because I really do believe that that choice makes the clothing and its details stand out. While looking at her photos, I think in my head that I want to own or photograph the clothing featured so badly. I love the fabrics that are being photographed and I think she did such a nice job of conveying what they actually look like. The images are well exposed and show detail very well. I definitely greatly enjoy looking at these images and will be inspired by them when photographing similar materials in the future. 

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