Thursday, September 13, 2018

Denver Edmonds- Gordon Parks *post 3*

1)  Technical decision and why I'm compelled/moved by said tech decisions?
 I feel as though Parks is romanticizing black communities and more specifically, the black communities of New York City. The colors are cohesive and every object within the photographs has a softness to them. Even within certain photos, he uses the perspective of his lens to really soften the frame.  The subject of the photo is usually a lot more focused than the background. The color choices and the movement of the photographs feel like a dream. Though the greyscale photographs are heightened by angles and lighting, it puts emphasis on the subject.  However, I cannot say it puts more emphasis on the context because each photograph has such detail. This detailing speaks towards the context and how it is supported by compelling technical decisions. 

2)  What I believe the artist's intentions and concept are?
As I said earlier, I feel as though Parks is romanticizing black communities because of colors and the softness of the photographs. Cameras and film were designed in such a way that made it harder to cater to black subjects in terms of lighting and contrast. Yet, Park's work truly feels like a love story to blackness by the movement of the photograph and even positioning of the subject. Personally, I think he is trying to retract the grittiness and turmoil each location has seen to create a new story of love, community, and nostalgia. 

3)  How do I personally respond to the intentions and concepts?
I enjoy Park's work because it allows me to see these historic locations differently. Also, I gathered a new perspective of black communities within that specific location.  Each piece gives me an odd sense of connection, in some way I feel as though I was there or I've seen something like the photograph in my own life.  

4) Why I chose this artist?
I chose Parks because I appreciate the way he reclaims certain perspectives of black culture. His work reminds me to never forget the beauty of our history and what it means today. Although this is a cliche, his work allows me to actually see a bigger picture and/or story within the context of black culture. Each artist that I chose has certain technical decisions that display beauty of black culture. With Parks, I discovered a wholeness and delicacy for our communities.  

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