Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Practice makes perfect, right? Taking a thousand photos forces us to do stuff. It forces us who are particular and picky about our shots to just snap the shutter. It forces us to set particular shutter speeds and apertures and ISO’s, constantly, always aware of them. It forces us to work on impulse, as a noun – to kind of be aware of our spur-of-the-moment shutter-snapping and why we do it instead of the usual, “oh, hey, picture!” Time management was a huge factor of this too, teaching me that if I see it and can make something out of it, snap a picture! Rather than being too considerate of my shots, for assignments like this one.

I don’t like judging photos from thumbnails or small versions of the image very much, but I think it was good for me because it forced me to preview everything that I took. It also sort of helped me develop how to rate photos and what to base the ratings on. When looking for a style or a certain composition, previewing and rating thumbnails helps us see everything. I think rating prepares me for what is to come – hundreds upon hundreds of takes are often shot and maybe we need to begin to develop quick judgment at first, then knowing when to review what images. Plus, it’ll come in handy when searching through for an image/images.


  1. I totally agree a thousand photos was great practice. Experimenting with ISO, shutter speed and aperture really did help understanding the camera. I also agree with the time management, I've learned to bring my camera everywhere and not to take a shot for granted.

  2. I liked how you said shooting all these pics forced us to do things. I think that's totally true. I I didn't have this assignment I probably wouldn't have gotten so much practice with my camera.
