Sunday, September 25, 2011

Rules and Fears

My 10 Rules for Photography:

  1. If you think you like a shot, take it 10 more times in 10 different ways.
  2. Don't use an aperture smaller than f 8.
  3. If you don't look or at least feel a little stupid doing it, you're probably doing it wrong.
  4. If you're going to use a tripod, use it all day; otherwise, it's not worth it.
  5. Carry at least 2 memory cards everywhere.
  6. Zoom in close; small things are important.
  7. Never be afraid to change all the settings; you'll probably find a better shot.
  8. Start with the Rule of Thirds, but don't be afraid to centre your subject.
  9. If there's an interesting person, take their photo. And run.
  10. Play "Photokidsforthewin" [or alternative photography playlist] playlist until you're done.

The Photo I'm Afraid To Take:

I was almost more intimidated to say that I'm afraid to take this photo because I think it sounds a little stupid; I've always wanted to do photo studies of women. Something of an homage to the landscape of the female form. Considering that my ultimate hope [for now, anyways] is to go into fashion and commercial photography, I've always thought long and hard on the body and how it functions as an aesthetic piece versus an associated being. However, I haven't ever had the gumption to ask girls to model for me because, in all honestly, I'm really terrible at talking to people [especially girls]. Hence, the reason [I think] I so desperately love taking portraits.

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