Wednesday, September 14, 2011

1000 Photos

I think we were had to take that many photos so we could see our diffirent strengths and weaknesses. I've never had a huge bulk of images like that before so I was never able to see patterns like I could in this assignment. If I hadn't taken so many images I don't think I would've realized that I trust what my camera says too much, or that I'm more comfortable shooting verticlly. Looking through all the images and rating them was time consuming but I think it's going to save a lot of time in the long run. Now I know which ones were successful and which ones wern't. I can go through and see them all togeather and once I've rated them I'm able to see why some are four-five, and why some only got one.


  1. I for sure agree with the patterns you mentioned; like, all of my 1-2 star photos look really similar as far as exposure or poor composition. It's great, though, that you learned to not take what your camera says as fact!

  2. I agree about the patterns too. After, we rated them you could view by the star category and things started to stick out for me too, like awkward compositions were all in the 2 star category.
