Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Going through 1000 pictures.

I believe that the reason we were asked to take a minimum of 1000 photos this past week was for us to practice the act of photographing in itself; to make it, if not already a habit, almost like an automatism. I also think this assignment was an efficient way to start learning how to see (by that, i mean actually S.E.E, look, study &such), to accustom our eye to picture thing, through a frame and lense as well.
Furthermore, looking back and rating these photos one by one (ignoring the fact that it is indeed! very time consuming!) gives us the opportunity to analyse our ways of photographing; our use and arragment of composition, colors, light and all other various effects. We get a better idea of what we like and what we want as a final result. Plus, we can also discover new things; new concepts or new technics that could be interesting as a next experiment.
So my point: All is beneficial!

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree about your "S.E.E." comment. When I was doing this it really forced me to open my eyes to what was around me.
