Sunday, September 25, 2011

My 10 rules to photography

In no particular order

1. Composition: Making sure everything is in the frame is focused

2 . Lighting: Lighting can balance whatever your photographing

3. Subject: Whatever is in your lens needs to be the main focus

4. Lenses: Can help with whatever your trying to capture

5. Idea: Helps to create a series of images and not just one shot

6 . Adjust proper white balance: Helps to set tone and color

7. Steady hand: A shaky image is an un-focused one

8. Tripod for long exposure: Shooting in a high shutter speeds you need something to keep the camera steady

9. Adjust ISO: Low is the best quality depend on your environment and helps with lighting

10. Adjust aperture: Allowing for more or less light and helps with depth of field

Sammy Babloji is a native of Katanga province of the Democratic Republic of Congo. His province serves as the backdrop for his collection titled “Mémoire”. He creates large photomontages using color picture that he’s taken of abandoned copper mines that once made the Congo the worlds second largest producers of copper as the back drop, with the black and white archive images of mine laborers, and colonial administrators as the foreground image.

I like his work because it depicts images that can relate to anywhere in the world that mirrors the past and the present. His work reminds me of Romare Barden who used a colleague technique like Babloji to depict African Americans and society check out Prevalence of Ritual: Mysteries, 1964.

Sammy Babloji is one of several African artists being shown at the Anderson Gallery if you get the time go support fellow artist.

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