Sunday, September 11, 2011


Being new to photography I don’t have any favorite artist but this class is challenging me to find and explore artist in the field.

So I’m searching and searching looking at pictures and whose the photographer, reading and learning more about their work and their beliefs as artist and I stumble upon Carrie Mae Weems. I found her art in place I would never have thought to look at “Life + Time” blog but here she was with some of her most current work entitled “Slow Fade to Black” which is homage to great African American singers like Nina Simone, Mahalia Jackson and so on. Her work spans many mediums, photography, printing, video’s and she touches several topic in her work family relationships, gender roles, the histories of racism, sexism, class, and various political systems.

This one piece I drew to the most it may have been because I’ve used the image before or it could be just the words that she use’s to correspond with the image. Whatever it was I’ve gone to the site to look at it several time taking in the color choice that was used and asking what if anything did it represent the blood from being whipped what ever it is the color seems to evoke an emotion none the less from anger, sadness. The image alone speaks volumes but the addition of her words that’s etched into a glass frame brings life to the piece.

I’m glad to say I’ve found a new source of insperation and a fellow artist to follow and learn more about. Checkout this PBS specail she was in talking about the collection called “From Here I Saw What Happened and I Cried”

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