Tuesday, September 13, 2011

We need to get used to shooting the camera all the time, in different situations, different times of the day, when you have an opportunity to take a great shot, you need to be prepared, and taking 1000 images just got me warmed up for the rest of the semester. Its great practicing, and its the best way to learn. Especially in this digital era, we can manipulate and play with the exposure, so why not take advantage of shooting all the time, and being able to fix your problems first hand. Looking back over your photos that you take is very important. I take a lot of photos and don't care about how many I'm taking and don't worry, the ones that are overexposed and underexposed or really blurry, I delete, but I usually keep all of them and then upload the photos right away and decide then which ones are better then others, I would rate them but I just think it takes way too long to do it so I don't, but it's a good habit to start doing. Honestly, I just make a folder that has my "best" work, but its still good practice, and helps organize your work a lot easier.

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