Sunday, September 8, 2013

Sam Haskins- Hannah Nees

Sam Haskins was a fashion photographer that put in a large contribution to the nude photography between the 1960's and 1970's. Haskins technical choices include the use of a medium format 6x7 camera with black and white film. Though there are some photographs that are in color, the majority of his photography consists of medium and large format black and white prints. Haskins published many books with his prints that many consider a first form for "social networking". In his first book, his photography focused mainly on the use of grain. In many of his photographs, he uses motion blur to capture the movement of life. Though he started out with a medium format camera, the last camera he spent using before he died was a 35mm Pentax.

One of the themes present in much of Haskins' photography, primarily 1960's-70's is sexual liberation. Along with Richard Avedon and Irving Penn, Haskins focused mainly on fashion photography. His combination of nudity and fashion was relevant to the state of the world in the 1960's and 70's, therefore helped his popularity rise. After reading a little more about him, I found that he was inspired by the circus, which he had been in love with since he was a child.

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