Sunday, September 22, 2013

Lee Jeffries - Hannah Nees

Lee Jeffries started out photographing sporting events near his hometown in Manchester, though switched to portrait photography after having met a homeless girl on the streets. One important factor about his work is that he does not like to talk about how he makes his images. In an interview, he spoke about understanding the need for one to be curious, but he would rather the viewers take the photographs as narratives. Though, I found that Jeffries uses a Canon EOS 5D, messing around with extremely low aperture settings as well as ISO settings on the lower end of the spectrum. One of the other more important parts of how he gets the extreme contrast in his images is by using Adobe Photoshop.

Jeffries likes to focus on capturing emotion with his dark images. From the same interview reference above, I found that underneath the simplicity of portrait photography is the need for him to "take their likeness and instill a greater meaning."Jeffries is considered a street photographer and uses his passion for finding emotion to take pictures of the homeless. Though he has shot portraits for people other than the homeless, the homeless is the basis of most of his photography. If there was a theme for his work, I would say it to be "finding emotion within the homeless".

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