Thursday, October 4, 2018

Ruben Pagan - Lou Raizin - Seasons of Solitude

The artist's technical choices are the main reason why these photos work so well and give off the mood that they do. Each image was carefully composed with the goal of achieving a sense of solitude. This idea was portrayed by the artist, Lou Raizin, by capturing images of his subject from far away making them seem minuscule and alone solely amongst themselves and the ambiance of nature in the winter. The fact that he also used nature, which is often seen by us as a place where one can visit to be free from our ever so overwhelmingly technological world, amplifies the conceptual meaning behind these photos. The manner in which he also had people standing next to these trees that seem so small when they're alone, makes us humans realize that we're actually ever so smaller that even these trees and everything else that is more important in the whole universe.

It is clear that Raizin's intentions are to make the viewer feel the sense of solitude that the images are intending to show. He makes this possible through keeping each image simple and giving the viewer less to deal with so that they can focus more on the concept that is he is trying to make them aware of. Also, when he displayed this set of work in the Modernbook Gallery, the prints were only 5x6 inches. This display technique helps emphasize the simplicity and feeling of loneliness.

The choices that the photographer made make me feel like I'm in my happy place which is out in nature. Specifically, the beaches and jungle environments in Puerto Rico. I enjoy being the only person on the beach in the mornings walking along the shore while I wait for my grandmother to make breakfast for the family. The feeling of loneliness he is trying to show, I was able to feel and relate it to myself. It is important to realize that sometimes we need to get away from the industrial advancements of our generation. 

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