Thursday, October 25, 2018

Brezaja Hutcheson - Justin Hardiman - Post 9

1. Which of the artist's many technical choices are of interest to you and why?

I really enjoy how Hardiman plays with color and space in his work. It seems that with each individual picture he makes, he seems to select a special palette just for that portrait or landscape. I really admire that he uses film to capture his photos as well; it adds a sense of tangibility to the photos, as well as adds to its already aesthetically pleasing qualities.

I also appreciate that he emphasizes his portraiture, because it is something that I want to get better at myself. When I see the results of his work, it makes me think crititcally about what I can do to go the "extra mile" for my own photos. The colors that he uses usually seem to have an overarching theme for the entire picture, which is something that I think he is very conscious of and it shows that he can be continuous with certain themes, but also be flexible enough to sense what qualities of his vision may need tweaking to fit the ambience of the subject he is capturing.

2. What do you believe are the artist's conceptual work and/or thematic intentions?

I believe that Hardiman wants to capture the beauty of his subjects. They are usually depicted wearing an outfit that accentuates a quality about their face, or a color that looks good with their skin. They may also be in a location that seems to fit the mood of the photo, as well as the mood of his subject. He seems to stick with the theme of aesthetically pleasing photos, but I think that he is successful at it, which is why his work interesting to me.

3. How do you personally respond to these choices and intents?

Hardiman's work inspires me. It makes me think of the possibilities that could arise from my own work that I make in the future, as well as offering inspiration for me. When I look at some of the locations, clothing, or makeup that his subjects wear in some of his photos, it makes me think of possible people that I could take photos of or places that I could go to capture its ambience. When I look at Hardiman's photos, it also makes me think about how I could color and edit my own photos to have a more aesthetically pleasing theme. I also want to work on film more, and taking portraits in film.

I am glad that I have discovered Hardiman and his art, because he is an artist that I often refer to when I think of photography. He is one of the many people that has me intrigued, and he is someone who inspires me to continue to work on my own craft.

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