Thursday, November 15, 2018

Mariela Gavino - Lucas Zimmermann - Post 12

Lucas Zimmermann

To capture these photos, Zimmermann utilized long exposure as well as waiting for very specific conditions. The care and consideration Zimmermann had in making these photos is quite evident. By using long exposure, he was able to catch the light sweeping over the fog. Its a very unique way of using long exposure, especially considering how the fog may or may not distort the light. His ability to capture these lights in a very precise moment creates a surreal atmosphere. It transforms these mundane traffic stop into an extraordinary painting with lights.

Zimmermann is displaying a beautiful detail that is looked over everyday. He is showing viewers the beauty that he sees in these lights. He has explained on his website that he always had a fascination with lights in fog. The photos he made capture these very short moments of glowing light being suspended. He is creating a other worldly atmosphere with these colors and how they seem to go on forever. The lights also look much more powerful and ominous in these photos. Either way, Zimmermann has captured a transformation.

I was fascinated in the way Zimmermann was able to capture these photos. I had never considered how beautiful all the colors look together in a traffic light. I was also amazed at how they looked in the fog. It definitely tells a story and I admire his patience in making these photos at exactly the right moment. It shows skill but it also shows passion for making amazing pictures. No one can ever capture these traffic lights how he did and that inspires me.

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