Friday, November 9, 2018

Brezaja Hutcheson - Nedav Kander - Post 11

1. Which of the artist's many technical choices are of interest to you and why?

I admire how Kander spends time in all of these different locations and landscapes to photograph them.  Some of his photos are in nature, some of them are from the inside of abandoned buildings, while others focus on one specific aspect of an object in the complete landscape - such as a window, for example, and the relationship between nature and man-made objects.

Kander also does portraiture, which I am also as equally intrigued by. There is a quality about his photos that I admire, each photo seems to have its own story, while maintaining a connection to his other works due to the color scheme and subject matter.

2. What do you believe are the artist's conceptual work and/or thematic intentions?

I truly believe that Kander wants to capture the beauty of his subjects - whether they be portraits, landscape photos, or otherwise. He also has an eye that is geared more towards the fine arts. I can tell that he wants his viewers to think conceptually about his works, along with contemplating how these works relate specifically to the individual and their lives.

3. How do you personally respond to these choices and intents?

I am inspired by Kander's work, and I currently consider him as a point of reference and inspiration to me. I am always happy to find out about new artists, and to examine what type of message they want to convey with their works. I plan to draw some inspiration from his landscape work to help me with my final project, as well as to serve as a reminder that it is possible for me to create work at the same level if I stay dedicated.

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