Monday, March 16, 2015

Gabe Lugo - Post 4/4 - Paul D’Amato

Paul D'Amato 

What draws me to Paul's work isn't the metadata or any kind of technical mastery. Yeah, I'm sure he's got that stuff down.. it shows in his work. For me its all about the composition. It sinks its teeth into me and its what makes the images so captivating. He has a great way of capturing his subjects as they exist in their natural state. I get the feeling that he doesn't do much posing and directing. You can tell he observes a lot before he shoots a photo and knows just the right time and place to take a photo. You can tell he really goes out of his way to find people and places that are worth photographing, again... it shows in his work.

The first image is from his set called "Barrio". The subject is just casually chillin' in a puddle of water, and you get the sense that in the barrio the people don't take simple pleasures like this for granted. The light is excellent, the wet asphalt and the subject's wet skin reflect the light and give everything in the photo a nicely illuminated sheen. Phenomenal composition, this photo leaves me wanting to know more about these people and their background.

The second image is from the same photo set. THE LIGHT, SO GOOD. Paul's mastery of light and color is so evident. Something about the way the green and red contrast each other really works for me, and the way the light falls on the buildings off in the distance as the sun sets (or rises) is just awesome. This photo has a very deep depth of field, which implies a small aperture was used. Given the fact that he's in a shadow and the sun is low in the sky, I bet it was a long exposure too.  This photo rocks.

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