Monday, March 2, 2015

Gabe Lugo - Weekly Artist Post

Daniel Cheong

Daniel Cheong shoots on a DSLR,  according to Flikr Metadata he uses a Nikon D810 which is a full-frame DSLR. He almost exclusively shoots in a style similar to HDR shots, called digital blending, where he brackets multiple different exposures of the same frame manually to reveal all sorts of detail by achieving the maximum dynamic range without giving the same over the top effect of many other HDR shots. 

His photos generally are landscapes and cityscapes taken at night, with some sort of illumination coming from either the stars, buildings, or both. He seems to enjoy taking photos at a certain hour of the night when the sky is a particular shade of blue, and his photos are generally taken from very high vantage points. This leads me to believe he is very methodical about where and when he makes these photographs.

These photos are absolutely awesome. The fact that he manually blends different exposures together instead of using HDR settings on his camera (which the D810 has), or running software in post-processing to get the HDR effect is very impressive. If you couldn't' tell yet at this point, I am a night owl, and love the idea of manipulating light to create interesting photos in low-light night time conditions. Long exposures have lots of creative potential, and he seems to have mastered these long exposures and the art of post-processing to create a very unique style that I would love to replicate but won't learn how to in this class. 

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