Saturday, February 14, 2015

Weekly Artist Post 5

These images are all from photographer Arthur Meyerson, from his folder, "Classics."

This week, I wanted to find photos that whose primary elements are light and color. I was blown away when I saw the first image and the incredible contrasts it has between the clouds, the sky, the sand, the dark ridge on the lower right-hand side, and the three people walking against the horizon. Meyerson does an excellent job of capturing the colors while highlighting the contrasts of black and white shadowy hues, as well as the darker and lighter orange hues.

The second photo is so simply stunning. I think Meyerson makes light and color the focal point much more so than the man in the image. The prominent aspects of this image are the layers of color running from red to white, orange/flesh color, and beige from top to bottom, as well as the thousands of color duplications seen in the water droplets on the window. 

The third image caught my eye with it's simplistic color scheme. Though it's a somewhat muted photo, it has interesting pops of deep blues and greens. Additionally, the light creates contrasts between the brightness of the man's hands against his hat, pants, and the lower half of the wall. My eye was also drawn to the matching green hues of the roof with the pattern on the bag. 

Meyerson does an excellent job of making color and light his primary subjects, while using people and objects more as tools to accentuate contrasts and hues, and not so much as the primary focus of his images. I would have thought his tactic might not result in very interesting images, however, the results are quite captivating. 

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