Sunday, January 18, 2015

What I Care About

- My family and Friends (I know, "so cliché...") because nobody is made to function well outside of community, and that includes family, the community we're born into. Not everyone has a healthy family life, so I'm definitely grateful to have my family. 

- God. As a Christian, I'm a believer in God, not simply that He exists but that He is the fundamental aspect of human existence, and that includes my life. Knowing God means a relationship, not some joyless practice of religious duties. For that, I'm thankful.

- Artistic expression. Whether it's writing, drawing, painting, sculpture, filmmaking, etc. It's an incredible release to be able to express one's thoughts, even if that expression is someone abstract. Not only does this expression include the relaying of already-formed thoughts, but it includes the ability to find those thoughts in the process of making that art. 

- Compassion. Thinking about it now, this seems a bit random, but I've always wanted to be someone continually growing in compassion and care for others. I want to do what I can to make others feel welcome, like they have a sense of community and a place where they can find some refuge from life's occasional craziness. 

1 comment:

  1. I like what you said about compassion and wanting "to be someone continually growing in compassion and care for others." I think if more people felt that way, the world would be a nicer place to live in.
