Sunday, September 9, 2012

Asger Carlsen

Asger Carlsen was born 1973 in Denmark and lives and works in New York, NY. These photos are from his series called Wrong. His photos creep me out a lot, but in the best way possible. The pictures look normal for about a second and then you think does that ostrich have an ear...
Aside from the creepy nature of the images, they're really well composed shots. I also like how he chose to shoot them in black and white so that the viewer could focus on the odd parts of the image.

You can view more of his work here.

1 comment:

  1. His photogrpahs are a bit odd aren't they? I actually almost didn't notice the human ear on the ostrich at first. By having his photographs in black and white, in my opinion, hides the subtle oddities. If it was in color, they would be more noticeable and not as strong or successful.
