Saturday, October 26, 2013

Alexander Bergstrom - Liesa Collins

Alexander Bergstrom is a photographer based out of Sweden who primarily focuses on nude photography. In all of his photographs, there is always a subject showing off some part of their genitalia. With an amazing composition involving light, color, and subject content, Bergstrom achieves a high standard of portrait photographer. His subjects are beautiful and his technique is exquisite. Bergstrom is not very well known in the art world, but he has sure made an effort to spread his photography by means of online sites such as Flickr, Blogger, and DeviantArt.
In my opinion, Bergstrom chooses such gorgeous subjects purely to show his appreciation of the human form. He has nice lighting to show his skill in capturing the light at the right time to produce an amazing image. The subtle body part revelations in his work leave nothing to the imagination but within his act of not always showing all the body parts creates some mystery towards the subject. I appreciate the different choices in making some images in color and some in black and white because it convinces the audience how versatile he can be with his photography. Even though Alexander Bergstrom is not a mega-famous photographer, his work still deserves credit for being a strong set of portraits.