Lise Sarfati is a portrait photographer who focuses primarily on the human 
condition and what it means just to be. she creates tableau portraits that 
feel nearly candid and always depict an individual within a particular moment. 
This adds to the already fleeting and ephemeral character of each portrait,
 playing into her fascination with youth and the inevitable passage of time. 

I was drawn to the cinematic quality of Sarfati's work, and how each photo 
suggests its own back story and chain of events. There is something really 
powerful about creating a moment that suggests a lifetime. I find myself
 imagining strange things like what each character could have eaten for 
breakfast or the last person they spoke to on the phone. Because the 
photographs exist on the border of tableau and candid they bring into question
 the idea of reality versus fantasy and how reality is altered by the perspective
 of the individual.

Lise sarfati produces images that appear both captured and created. Each moment
 she shares with the viewer feels casual and natural to the point where seeing
 them becomes an invitation, window, or possibly even intrusion into an 
individuals personal routine or daily life, making them all the more intimate and
 informative. She forces her audience to see forgotten, overlooked, or dismissed
 single thoughts or seconds in time as individual works of art that have never 
before existed and will never again be exactly the same.