Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Michel Gondry

If you had Nia Burks for Time Studio last year, you probably know who this is. Michel Gondry is an academy-award winning film and music video director and screen writer. He was born in Versailles, France and is most noted for his intensely personalized visual style and "manipulation of mise en scene." (thank you wikipedia). His career apparently began with an interest in emphasizing emotion. Probably his most noted film is Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind which takes on a lot of the aesthetic elements of his music video work. Below I've included some awesome music videos for your viewing pleasure, I hope you like totally hip jamz. Sugar Water is probably my favorite music video ever, it kind of blew my mind the first time I saw it, trying to figure out how he shot it. Also, the song rocks. The Chemical brothers video is also pretty mind blowing....how...?
Anyway these videos are just really fun to watch and for me at least, the music is good, so please, indulge yourself (for me?)

1 comment:

  1. Gondry is such a boss. I took Reading Film last year and the professor showed us Be Kind Rewind. He has an incredible range, as far as the genre of work he can direct.
