Monday, October 8, 2012

David Hockney

Hockney is a well known English artist (mainly painter and stage designer) whose work I've always been really fond of. He helped bring about British "pop art" of the 20th century, although much of his work includes expressionistic elements. While doing some research on him, I found a collection of collages he did in which he patched together pieces of many different photos of a single scene, playing with the idea of perception and how we break information apart and re-synthesize. It's almost like cubism for the 20th century. Here ya go: 

and here's his website where you can check out his beautiful paintings:

If you've been to the National Portrait Gallery in DC you might be familiar with his interactive work "Snail Space" on the contemporary floor:

I find this piece pretty breathtaking since it plays with color and space perception so much.

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