Sunday, February 22, 2015

Weekly Artist Post

Morgan Ashcom

Morgan Ashcom's series What the Living Carry is mostly photographed outside in natural landscapes, focusing on colors like greens and browns. She mostly uses a greater depth of field so most of the images are in focus. She most likely uses a low ISO because she is outside during daytime. This can be seen in her photos because they don't have much noise. 

Ashcom's series portrays people doing animalistic things, like crouching to drink water from a lake or hiding out in a hole in the ground. She makes the people almost part of the landscape, they don't appear out of place, but rather like they belong. This could be because Ashcom believes people should live more natural lives, or should spend more time outside and connected to nature. 

I like Ashcom's pictures and her use of light and color. She can take some really breathtaking landscape/ nature photos. I like how her pictures are clear and high quality. 

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