Sunday, February 1, 2015

Helen Westergren - Three Things I Learned

1: The first thing I learned was definitely that I'm going to need more practice than these 100 (technically 300?) photos. I'm still really slow at making accurate adjustments and I'm not sure how well most of them turned out. I tried my hardest not to look at the screen so I haven't seen most of what I shot. However, I really do feel like I understand how to change an image now. I knew how to change F stop, ISO etc on my analog, but I've always relied on automatic with my digital camera. Even with this simple assignment I feel like I have a much better grasp on what's actually happening when I capture something.
2: It's hard to make adjustments when shooting vertical! Just when I felt like I knew a little bit what I was doing, I decided to get fancy and change the orientation of the camera. Sometimes I found it best to adjust the settings than take change the camera around, but that took up a lot of time. By the end of the assignment I felt a little better with this second perspective.
3: This assignment helped to further diminish my self-consciousness behind the camera. As I better understand what I'm doing and working towards, I feel less silly making pictures. I've also been letting go of my need to make things that are immediate masterpieces, mainly because I'm realizing how impossible that is. This has let me lighten up about the work I'm making.

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