Sunday, April 19, 2015

Weekly Artist Post

Jasper White

Jasper White is a British photographer and these photos are from his series Tour Eiffel. Since his photos are intended to show something at a very far distance, White uses a very closed aperture to achieve a deep depth of field to make sure the tower is in focus. He doesn't photograph things that appear to be in motion, so his shutter speed could be slow. He shoots in varying times of day, so his ISO probably varies a lot. 

White's series is of an object that is photographed every single day by thousands of people. The tower is iconic and recognizable to people all over the world. By photographing it in a new way (from windows all around Paris) White is able to give it a new perspective. 

I like the idea of photographing something that everyone takes pictures of and adding something unique to it. I think this is a great example. Everything has been photographed and everything's been tried, but by creating the pictures yourself you inherently add a personal and unique element that someone else cannot. This is something I struggled with when writing my new proposal- with why I should focus on it and not someone else. 

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