Monday, April 27, 2015

Ashley Kronsberg Weekly Artist Post

Photographer Hal

Photographer Hal is a Tokyo based photographer who specializes in the following themes: bathtubs, couples, love and challenges. He is very interested in seeing couple in tight intimate spaces which led him to photographing in bathtubs because he believes the bathroom is one of the most intimate places for a person. By confining his subjects to these tight spaces, he was given a while new world of expressions to view within the dynamic of a relationship. Most of the photos are done in the home of the subject he reveals, causing me to believe that the amount of available light would often being challenging for him. Under this impression, I believe he brings a light with him to balance his exposure out. Considering how detailed the photo is even in positions such as the third one where the subjects seem to be on a deeper tub, I believe a mid-to-deep depth of field is needed to achieve this clarity. This is what causes me to believe he brings additional light with him as the shutter speed would potentially need to be much slower to get the proper depth of field. I found these photos intriguing because I did my own set of bath tub photos a few weeks ago. This have a whole new way of photographing this intimate space that I had a not imagined before.

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