Sunday, October 27, 2013

Quentin Shih - Hannah Nees

Quentin Shih, born in China in 1975, is a photographer working between New York and Beijing. Shih's techniques come solely form himself, because he is completely self-taught. He began his career as a photographer by shooting local underground musicians/ artists in his college years. Shih is recognized for his style, revolving around largely planned sets as well as tons of different dramatic lighting. These stylistic approaches help to engage the viewer in the narrative that his photographs revolve around. Shih also uses a lot of digital editing techniques to create his images, such as using a green screen to help edit some parts of his photographs in Photoshop. One technique that Shih utilizes is making his photographs super sharp and noisy, because he feels they look more surreal.

In the last few years, Shih has been involved in commercial and fashion photography, where he has successfully been featured in high fashion magazines. Some of his top commercial clients include Adidas, Microsoft, Sony, Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, etc. Shih feels that "trends and standards kill the creativity of photographers", though he does feel that the Surrealism art movement inspired him the most. His work is all narrative, rooted in the Chinese culture. Shih's series, such as The Stranger in the Glass Box, include "large empty spaces that enhance dramatic, ceremonial, and emotional lines".

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