Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Darek Imadi- Artist Post

Matthew Connors is a photographer from New York and these pictures are from his series titled "Fire in Cairo," which documents the turbulent uprising in Egypt following the Arab Spring, where millions of people across the Middle East demanded democratic reforms in their countries.

I like the color contrast of the first photo as you see a neon green laser shoot out at you from a white building that lays against the purplish black backdrop of the night sky. It's also interesting how he creatively used his focus to blur the foreground of palm trees while the buildings are held clearly in view. I also like his use of monotone colors and underexposure to capture the atmosphere of eeriness and disorder that follows political revolution.

I chose these photos because I believe the lens (no pun intended) that photography puts on this historical event creates a more immediately relatable understanding for us to comprehend. Many of us are probably unfamiliar with the politics and history of the Middle East and why these events were so significant, but the photos distill the complexity to metaphors and symbolism of what the struggle for social change evokes in a nation and it's people.

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