Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Romina Ressia - Nicole Plummer Post 9

            I find it very interesting how Romina uses the same women with basically the same facial expression throughout her series. Also, I greatly enjoy the consistent use of strange objects placed along side this woman in an outfit who seems historically out of place. The oddity of the whole situation allows for an intriguing and discussion-provoking image. Ultimately, Romina has done a wonderful job with such simple photos through the use of props, costuming, and set.
“This project, making use of the anachronism as a visual resource, does not pretend to refer to the past but to create a reference on which to analyze the evolution of society as well as its actions and reactions front to current issues.” Although this quote is the word for word concept pertaining to Romina’s images, I immediately understood the concept prior to reading her statement. I believe the clarity of her concept is yet another point I enjoy. Many photo projects seem very ambiguous and vague, yet here there are only but so many meanings one could pull from these images. The boldness and sureness seen in them allows for a clear statement and one worth discussing. Wanting to understand the weirdness of the human evolution and what we were to where we are, is almost impossible to imagine fully. If anything, I believe this is a strong attempt to pursue the subject of evolution within society.
The gaze of the woman in these portraits is uniquely powerful. This is what first held my attention. After diving a bit deeper, I began to realize the depth of meaning these images held. I began to consider how silly we must appear with all our gadgets and gizmos these days. They made me question why we want to wear wax lips that make terribly annoying sounds. The gaze challenged me to consider the absurdity of life and even the absurdity of the past. They would have never done or played with the things we find enjoyable, yet they would wear giant neckpieces, which we find silly today. Ultimately I come around to perspective, which is the base for everything. Everything evolves based on perspective making me wonder if change is but only an illusion of our own stance on how things should be. In the end, we don’t tend to pay attention to the changes we like only the ones we dislike.

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