Thursday, June 5, 2014

Lise Sarfati - The New Life: La Vie Nouvelle - Caitlin

Lise Sarfati traveled to the United States from France in order to create photographs on a road trip. She traveled east to west, eventually deciding to photograph young people inside their homes. For the first time, Sarfati chose not to view any of her film during the project so that she would stay in a "suspended mood" instead of focusing on creating a certain kind of image from her mind or obsessing over the end product. She aims to make images in which the viewer can identify themselves with the adolescent subjects.

Sarfati's work caught my attention because she bases much of her work on the emotion of the people she is photography. She stated that she usually remained fairly silent during shoots with her subjects for The New Life. Additionally, her work focuses on femininity and portrays young women's relationships with their society and their environments.

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