Monday, November 21, 2011

Daryl Peveto

Daryl Peveto is a SoCal based photographer. His series "American Nomads" is an extremely interesting set of photos describing the lives of Americans who live in trailer parks and are constantly on the move. They live a very crass and "unsophisticated" lifestyle as opposed to those of us who have permanent homes. They seem to be extremely close-knit. They don't attempt to hide the dirt and grime they accumulate physically and their body language suggests that they simply don't care about others. Here's a sample of the text from his series:
"At first glance, this community is both raw and harsh, but there is also much beauty and love. There are thieves and rampant drug use, but also picnics and birthday parties and an always-open door. And much like the rest of the world, they eat and bathe and sleep and marry and die. But they do it on their own terms."

American Nomads by Daryl Peveto

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