"Busy" - 2011
My best friend and I were dogsitting her family's dogs this past summer while they went on vacation. As part of some treat packages we made for the dogs and their owners, I took portraits of the dogs. The turnout of all the portraits pleasantly surprised me, since I never got too into portraiture.
This is "Busy." I found this portrait especially beautiful since her personality is right there, plainly on her face, in her eyes, and in her pose/posture. It makes me feel happy, making me miss and remember her. Deciding to keep this picture in black and white was an obvious decision once I had put the filter on; Of all the portraits, I was most pleased with the contrast between her and the grass.

"Saigon Execution" - Eddie Adams - 1968
It was a toss-up among this image, his iconic image of a woman crying out over a dead man's body during the Kent State massacre, and Philippe Halsman's "Dali Atomicus."
This image has struck me, scarred me, and stuck with me for years. The history behind it, the expression on the victim's face, the executioner's nonchalant attitude all come together and bring out a feeling of sheer terror in me. Just knowing what was to come and knowing that this happened, still happens, and will happen instill so many feelings in my gut. This, to me, is one of the most powerful images I have ever seen.
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