Monday, October 15, 2018

Denver Edmonds-Michael L Abramson "Southside Chicago"

1)  Technical decision and why I'm compelled/moved by said tech decisions?
I feel as though the images are compelling to me because composition consists of moving action, but it is planned well. The contrast is heavy between each body and the lighting seems to be natural. The subjects are never looking directly at the camera, which allowed me to immerse myself in the scene as a viewer. I feel as though these elements add more character to the setting.  

2)  What I believe the artist's intentions and concept are?
I believe that Abramson was trying to display the natural liveliness of Southside. Southside Chicago is known as a place filled with crime (specifically associated with black people). Yet, I believe Abramson wanted to show the beauty that black people bring to Southside. Exposing the audience to its counterparts unrelated to crime allows them to see Southside with a new perspective.  

3)  How do I personally respond to the intentions and concepts?
I feel as though I gained a new sense of understanding from Abramson's take on Southside. I enjoy the lighting of the black bodies in these images. It highlights them well, which allows me to focus on the action and the fashion within each frame. The immersive environment Abramson captured reflects the 70s and the hidden beauty of Southside. During those times, America had a limited view of black culture, but this opened the eyes of many people to black lifestyle. 

4) Why I chose this artist?
I chose this artist because I gained a new perspective of culture and what it means to capture a moment. I've heard of stories during this time in American for black people, but seeing it caused me to feel differently. The hardships and struggles Black Americas faced during this time are not present within these images, this says a lot about the specific environment Abramson was in. The culture of black Americans was/is so vibrant, which moves me in a direction of appreciation. Each image displays beauty and fashion that can not be replicated, which speaks a lot to me.  

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