Sunday, November 24, 2013

Abbey Reddington- Kate Pulley

I came across the photography of Kate Pulley completely on accident. Upon browsing images of a more renown photographer, I found this gem of a young lady. Kate experiments with film, Polaroid's, and digital. All of her images maintain a soft, dreamlike appearance. I found myself super attracted to her Polaroid's, which demonstrated her understanding of light and color. The narrative isn't super direct, which I find refreshing. The eye accepts the mood from the images without trying to dissect them too much for a deeper meaning.

The color pallet of her work relies upon neutrals. Soft skies, almost non existent, create a lack of grounding. It appears (especially in the last ex.) that the location could be anywhere, further adding to her dreamlike nature. Most of the work has a deep depth of field, keeping the viewer far from the action  and creating a sense of being a spectator. I chose to really look into the young photographers work, because she understands portraits in a less literal sense, and that is what I am currently working on.

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