Friday, August 30, 2013

Freshwater, water everywhere but not a drop to drink

I care about humanity. I care about my planet. Therefore, I care deeply about water. It is so vital to the survival of any organism, yet it is given such little respect, at least in developed nations. Over the past few years we have seen devastating oil spills and countless other acts of needless pollution. Now, the US is expanding its quest for natural gas through the process of hydraulic fracking, a method which will certainly destroy many more freshwater rivers and watersheds. Heavy clouds of pollution hang over LA, Mexico City, and Beijing. Carbon emissions have increased the acidity levels of the oceans, leading to the destruction of aquatic habitats, strange weather patterns, and the bleaching of coral reefs. We are destroying the very essence of life. I care about the struggle to change this.

As I consider how I might be able to use my skills and knowledge to serve the human endeavor and create a healthier planet my mind always seems to come back to water. I care about clean water. I care about the act of sharing water. I care about the preservation of water, and its accessibility to every person on the globe. Life began in water and life is dependent upon water. To me water has come to represent more than just something I drink or use to bath. It is a gift that I struggle to never take for granted. It is more valuable than diamonds or gold and should be treated accordingly.

As I looked back through old photographs I saw some that represented my thoughts on water. Some connections are abstract but still there. So, I'm going to step down off the soapbox now...

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